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Description Medline is the premier medical database covering over 5,400 journals in medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems and preclinical sciences. The references are indexed with NLM's Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®).
Tutorials for Medline and Evidence Based Medicine are available on the Medicine and Dentistry subject pages.
  ━ Access to Medline to complete online tutorial
User Support Medline (OVID) and PubMed are very similar databases sharing about 95% of the same content. It is recommended that you only need to search one of the databases and this choice is down to personal preference. However, Library staff recommend Medline (OVID) for most searches. PubMed does contain slightly more life sciences related material.

Ovid’s mutli-line launcher: It will allow you to copy/paste a multi-line strategy directly into the search box, press enter, and view the search results – with hits for each line – as normal.

Please ensure that OpenAthens authentication is selected. And a database is selected from the dropdown menu. Databases are listed under Ovid Medline

Resource Type Abstract/Citation Database
Advisory note Alternative link to Medline select required resource when prompted.


Authorised users University of Warwick staff and students only.
Authentication Requires Warwick login.
Concurrent users Unlimited
Terms of use View University of Warwick E-resources-Conditions of use
Licence location Procurement Office (Library)