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Description Provides access to almost 25,000 rare and often unique books, from the period 1450 – 1700, digitised from European collections of historic and bibliographic importance. EEB builds upon and complements Early English Books Online (EEBO) and mostly contains non-Anglophone materials. Includes early printed works from: Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Royal Library, Copenhagen); Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (BNCF. Florence, Italy); Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Den Haag, Netherlands); The Wellcome Library (London, UK); Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Copenhagen, Denmark), Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris, France).
Resource Type E-Book Platform


Authorised users University of Warwick staff and students only.
Authentication Requires Warwick login.
Concurrent users Unlimited
Terms of use View University of Warwick E-resources-Conditions of use
Licence location Procurement Office (Library)