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Description S&P Global Market Intelligence integrates financial and industry data, research, and news into tools that help track performance, generate alpha, identify investment ideas, understand competitive and industry dynamics, perform valuation, and assess risk
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  Any excerpts used in research, printed and electronic course packs and virtual secure networks must provide appropriate credit to S&P (as Publisher) as the source of the excerpt(s) and include the following copyright notice “Copyright © 201*, S&P Global Market Intelligence (and its affiliates, as applicable)
  Authorised Users may have the capability to download data and information from the Licensed Material for use in accordance with the terms of this Licence. Each Authorised User may download data and information from the Licensed Material to a desktop/computing device used solely for such Authorised User’s individual use and not for any centralised, interdepartmental or shared use. Once downloaded to an Authorised User’s desktop/computing device, such data or information may not be uploaded, copied, transferred to, stored or managed in any device, directory, database or other repository that is shared or can be accessed by others (e.g. the download functionality may not be used to populate master security databases). Notwithstanding, an Authorised User is prohibited from downloading more than five thousand (5,000) instruments containing an S&P rating in each contract quarter.


Authorised users University of Warwick staff and students only
Authentication Requires Warwick login
Concurrent users Unlimited
Licence location Procurement office
Serials Office